Home - Andy's Videos - Andy Esquivel’s Radioactive Fingernail Polish video

Andy Esquivel’s Radioactive Fingernail Polish video

Posted on January 3, 2012 in Andy's Videos

Wiser Technology Radioactive fingernail polish

Wiser Technology radioactive fingernail polish enabled Wiser Pad

This is one of my favorites because it shows how transparent Andy’s scams can be.  In this video, Andy has purchased a new Samsung Galaxy slate and tries to pass it off as a new Wiser product.

First (at :34) Andy asks you to notice that there are only fingerprints on half of his screen (like most slates) and he says “there’s a reason for that.”  The ‘reason’ has NOTHING to do with the fact that the touch keyboard on most slates when holding them in profile mode only covers that portion of the screen…that would be too obvious.  Andy instead claims that the reason for the fingerprint position is his new black fingernail polish which he uses to control the screen.

Here’s where it gets HILARIOUS!!!  Andy brings up a slide-show of his daughter using built in photo player and begins waving his finger back and forth across the screen to make anyone with an IQ too low to know better think that he’s controlling the shifting image with his finger.

Andy claims that this new “invention” will make it unnecessary to ‘type’ on the Wiser Page (Samsung Galaxy) screen…which even if the whole demonstration weren’t completely bogus, would be a stupid product idea!  Imaging, all you have to do is twinkle your fingers over the slate screen like a gay man (no offense to my homosexual friends) to type on the screen?  Yea, that makes sense!  How do I make sure I hit the right key?  Um…

Next Andy pitches a revolutionary new Velcro strap custom made for Wiser Technology (you can see the Velcro professionally attached to the back of the Galaxy tablet earlier in the show) and tries to explain why it’s more revolutionary than…a Velcro strap.

Finally Andy shows off his daughter with the Wiser strap, pad, thing and claims they have exercise software manufacturers working on apps for doing crunches.  I still can’t figure out how an Android app would help you do crunches, but…  Apparently the Wiser Pad is going to be larger than the Samsung Galaxy tablet, even though it IS a Samsung Galaxy tablet, so you can fit a full keyboard, which the Galaxy already has.

All proceeds from the $15 Velcro strap will go towards Andy’s fake Karma Cause charity, which is very reassuring.  Andy then tries to explain where the $499 for the Wiser Pad will go, but I guess his battery ran out first.

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