Category: Wiser No Phone Zone
Posted on February 1, 2016
in Andy Esquivel's Scams Andy's Threats Buzz/Wiser Karma Cause Ron Kelsay Trial Updates Uncategorized Wiser Car Cover Wiser E-Cigarettes Wiser Eyes Wiser Helmet Wiser No Phone Zone Wiser Technology Xooplay Xtagged
Andy Esquivel has been arrested (again) and is now in state custody. He was taken into custody just before noon on Monday, February 1st – booking number 201600817. His bail is set at $25,000 cash. He cannot bond out, he must pay the full amount to be released.
For those of us watching this drama unfold, this comes as no surprise. This is not the last time Andy will be arrested for probation violation, but because this is the first time it will be his shortest time in jail (30 days). Next time it’ll be 90 days, then 6 months according to AP&P guidelines.
I’ll post updates on Andy’s status and audio of the court hearings as they become available. My hunch, given how damning the report by Andy’s probation officer was, this won’t end well. Here’s the custody information website link.
UPDATE: Andy’s hearing before Judge Connors is scheduled for Tuesday, February 16th @ 9:15am.
UPDATE: Andy was released from jail on his own recognizance and a sentencing hearing has been set for March 8th @ 9:15am. At this hearing, based on what he is posting online, we expect Andy to claim that he has a job, that his parole officer is somehow ‘corrupt’, and that he needs a 6th PO who will be more sympathetic to his latest scam,
UPDATE: The February 16th hearing was a short one, so we’re not going to bother posting the audio online.
UPDATE: Andy’s sentencing hearing has been postponed five times since his release, usually at the request of his public defender. The new hearing has been scheduled for June 14th @ 9:00am.
Posted on October 22, 2014
in Andy Esquivel's Scams Andy's Threats Andy's Videos Buzz/Wiser Karma Cause Ron Kelsay Trial Updates Wiser Car Cover Wiser E-Cigarettes Wiser Eyes Wiser Helmet Wiser No Phone Zone Wiser Technology Xooplay Xtagged
Here’s a brief outline of Andy’s various lies:
- Truth: Andy Esquivel conned $5,000 from an investor named Ryion Butcher
- Truth: Andy Esquivel conned $50,000 from an investor named Gene Allen Brady and his mother Georgia Brady
- Truth: Andy Esquivel conned $10,000 from an investor named Kyle Kluff
- Lies specifically told to scam victim Kyle Cluff in order to secure his investment (quoted from recent testimony):
- Donald Trump was buying xtagged, and he called Andy and Andy put him on speaker phone so his family could hear and celebrate.
- 24 hour fitness was endorsing xtagged and we would be on the Biggest loser.
- Geico was endorsing xtagged.
- Kyle needed to sell all these Nike stickers so Nike will endorse xtagged.
- The Attorney General of Colorado was going to endorse xtagged and take it to President Obama.
- Colorado University professors wanted to use xtagged with the grant money they received.
- P 90X was going to pay you to use xtagged and if Kyle helped Andy get in shape he was going to split it with Kyle which would of come to $30,000.
- Andy got paid millions of dollars from real estate companies to use xtagged for selling their homes.
- Myspace wanted to by xtagged for 5 million dollars.
- The DMV was going to use xtagged system.
- Americas most wanted was endorsing xtagged.
- [Andy wa going to be on Oprah in just 6 more months (this was three years ago).
- xtagged was going to have a super bowl commercial for 2009 for Budweiser.
- Andy was in the middle of brokering a deal with Budweiser for your amazing “trademarked” commercial.
- Andy told Kyle multiple times, “Kyle, it’s done we sold xtagged, your officially a millionaire.”
- xtagged was supposed to be on 10 different news stations, (many of which were fox news, and not the regional ones but nation wide fox news.) but Andy didn’t want the site to crash because of being over viewed, so he postponed the interview.
- Scam victims will get their buy out in just one month.
- All of Andy’s companies, (xtagged, car cover, BTP, the sushi shop) were under the same company name and Kyle owned 3 % of each.
- Andy had a Google executive fly out to Utah, just to meet him and talk about xtagged.
- Andy owned and was using it as a trial version of xtagged.
- That xtagged had facial recognition and that Andy ha meetings with many FBI agents who loved xtagged.
- That xtagged was going to be on shark tank the tv show.
- That the stocks everyone bought were going to go public of June, 2008 and they would open no lower than $30 a share, and will quickly rise above the price of Google stock.
- Andy’s ex-lawyer and Allen had a deal to sell Xtagged for 30 million dollars, but the buyers were all about the money so Andy didn’t sell.
- Truth: Andy Esquivel conned $5,000 from an investor named Stephen R. Klemark, III
- Truth: Andy Esquivel conned $2,000 from an investor named Chris Engelbrecht
- Truth: Andy Esquivel conned $1,500 from an investor named Robert Daugherty
- Truth: According to Andy Esquivel’s former attorney, Andy is alleged to have conned as much as $100,000 from Melissa Garr [JPG]
- truth: Andy Esquivel conned $2,500 from an investor named Shar Jenkins and used it to pay back the $2,500 he conned from Logan Laws
- note: this constitutes running a ‘ponzi scheme’ across state lines according to the Utah Department of Securities.
- Truth: Andy Esquivel conned more than $70,000 from members of his own family (who all know him as “Chicho”). formal charges in these cases have not yet been filed, but the victims are communicating with authorities to determine next steps.
- Truth: Andy Esquivel was convicted of digital harassment in American Fork, Utah (Case#101101231). Hw was sentenced to a fine and a year’s probabtion.
- Truth: Xtagged is being investigated for fraud by the Federal Trade Commission (#26458904)
- Truth: Andy Esquivel has been charged with three felony counts of securities fraud in Davis County Utah (case#111701135) and is currently free on $10,000 bond. He faces trial on all three counts on October 24th, 2012 and will be representing himself.
- Truth: Andy Esquivel has been charged with disorderly conduct in connection with a fight he and his cousin John Steer had in Bountiful Utah in 2009 (case#091800357) and is currently free on $750 in cash bail.
- Truth: Andy Esquivel was convicted in 2004 of felony weapons charges involving drugs [ZIP]
- Lie: MySpace offered $100 Million to buy
- truth – Myspace almost sued Andy over

- Lie: Xtagged authenticates users license plate numbers
- truth – never had a connection to any public databases and therefore could not authenticate anything
- Lie: Xtagged used face recognition software to authenticate users
- truth – there never was any face recognition software in Xtagged
- Lie: Xtagged was sponsored by
- truth – was considering legal action against Xtagged
- Lie: Xtagged is trademarked
- truth – Andy never finished filing a trademark on the Xtagged name or logo [click here]
- Lie: Wiser Electronic Cigarette Inc. bought out Wiser LLC [link]
- truth – a business entity search with the Colorado Secretary of State reveals that “Wiser Electronic Cigarette, Inc.” does not exist [link]
- truth – a business entity search with the Colorado Secretary of State reveals that “Wiser LLC” does not exist [link]
- Lie: Andy Esquivel sold Xtagged for millions and bought houses in Florida, Nevada and Colorado
- Truth – Andy Esquivel is broke and lives with his mother
- Lie: On August 25th, Wiser Technology released their Wiser Car Cover. Andy posted a picture of it being tested at 75 mph in New Mexico [PHOTO]
- Truth – the photo Andy posted was actually of a 2012 Hyundai Veloster undergoing road tests in the mid west. The car, which has not yet been released, was disguised by black wraps. Many other photos of similarly disguised Velosters are posted across the web, including YouTube videos. Andy spotted one, took a picture of it, and labeled it “Wiser Car Cover” in an attempt to fool people into believing he had a product.
- Lie: Andy Esquivel partnered with Nike and licensed their logo to merge with Xtagged
- truth – Nike is considering legal action against Andy Esquivel for trademark infringement
- Lie: Andy Esquivel partnered with Geico and licensed their logo to merge with Xtagged
- truth – Geico is considering legal action against Andy Esquivel for trademark infringement
- Lie: was a website affiliated with
- truth – is a domain that used to redirect to without their knowledge
- Lie: and Xtagged helped a homeless family in Denver, as reported by their testimonial on
- truth – the entire story was a sham, the photos stolen and the license plate of the alleged homeless family helped by Andy’s charity is fake
- Lie: Xtagged is worth millions of dollars
- truth – is now offline and is therefore worth little more than the fee required to register it with Godaddy.
- Lie: Google was considering buying Xtagged for $1 Billion dollars
- truth – the M&A department at Google has never heard of Xtagged and wouldn’t consider buying it if they had
- update: Andy claims to be suing Google and has started a twitter feed caled “Die-Google-Die” to promote his anti-Google cause.
- Lie: Stephen R. Klemark bought Xtagged for $24.5 million
- truth – Stephen R. Klemark doesn’t have $24.5 Million

- Lie: Stephen R. Klemark bought Xtagged for $2.4 million
- truth – Stephen R. Klemark doesn’t have $2.4 million
- Lie: Xtagged got bought for $50 million
- truth – nobody is stupid enough to buy Xtagged for $50 million
- Lie: This message board thread has cost Xtagged $175k or $300k or $2.5m or $12m or $15m (depending on the day of the week) in lost potential investments
- truth – nobody in their right mind would invest any amount of money into Xtagged
- truth – Any company considering investing in Xtagged would do their homework first and discover everything we’ve posted here (including the fact that none of the companies mentioned legally exist) on their own
- truth – It has been noted that pathalogical liars can never remember the lies they’ve told, which is why Andy’s numbers always change with time
- Lie: Andy Esquivel got financial backing for Xtagged form some company at CES in Las Vegas
- truth – Andy Esquivel never went to CES and nobody there would have given him the time of day if he had
- Lie: Andy Esquivel is developing an energy drink called Buzz/Wiser where 50% of the profits will go to MADD
- truth – MADD is suing Andy Esquivel over this claim
- truth – there is no energy drink
- truth – New Belgium Brewing Company is about to sue Andy Esquivel and Stephen R. Klemark, III for using their logo to promote this fake energy drink
- Lie: Andy Esquivel was working on a deal with a stadium
- truth – there never was a deal with any stadium
- Lie: Buzz/Wiser Feel Better is a new version of the Buzz/Wiser drink family that cures hangovers
- truth – Andy spoofed a drink called Security Feel Better manufactured out of Miami Florida, stole all their graphics, and pretended it was his. The owner of the real drink is taking legal action.
- Lie: Andy Esquivel filmed his infamous Mariah Carey video in front of a big screen TV owned by one of his business partners
- truth – Andy Esquivel filmed the Mariah Carey video in front of a wall in his mother’s living room using a laptop projector borrowed from friends
- Lie: Buzz/Wiser contains a secret ingredient that cures hangovers
- truth – there is no Buzz/Wiser
- Lie: Buzz/Wiser has shipped 1 Million units
- truth – there is no Buzz/Wiser
- Lie: Buzz/Wiser is a non-alcoholic energy drink
- truth – there is no Buzz/Wiser
- truth – published mock-ups photos of the proposed energy drink currently being displayed on the Buzz/Wiser website include the text “alcohol content 5.4%” around the upper lip of the can
- Lie: Buzz & Wiser is being ‘considered’ for a Superbowl commercial
- truth – the only ‘consideration’ you need to get a Superbowl commercial is a few million dollars in cash and a good media firm
- truth – there is no ‘Buzz & Wiser’
- Lie: Xtagged has a reality show which aired in July of 2008
- truth – there is no reality show, never was, never will be…
- Lie: Xtagged will be featured in an upcoming episode of “The Family Guy”
- Lie: Xtagged will have a cameo in the upcoming Pixar movie “Cars II”
- Lie: The Denver Police Department has endorsed Wiser Technology’s “No Phone Zone” application
- truth – a spokesperson for the Denver Police Department expressly states that the department does not endorse products of any kind
- truth – Steve Klemark, who works for the department as a low level clerk, was the subject of an internal affairs investigation and subsequent disciplinary action for using the name of the department to promote his various schemes.
- Lie: Aspen St. Inn in Colorado has partnered with Wiser E-Cigarette to offer an e-cigarette in every room. Their phone number is (720) 732-7786
- truth – representatives of the Aspen Street Inn in Colorado have never even heard of e-cigarettes and the phone number above for Andy’s mother, not the inn.
- Lie: Andy staged a HUGE infomercial to launch his Wiser E-Cigarette on July 4th
- truth – since Andy still hasn’t posted the video from this amazing television event, we can only assume that it never happened.
- Lie: “Gary the Bus Driver” was on hand for the infomercial and posted this blog describing the event
- “Gary the Bus Driver” is actually Andy pretending to be someone who actually thinks his various fictitious products are real. This was revealed in a recent YouTube video posted by Andy in which he surfs Google while still logged in as Gary the Bus Driver (he apparently didn’t realize the login cookie from Blogger persists when you switch to
- Lie: Xtagged has an iPhone app that will start your car for you
- truth – Andy bought a remote starter and filmed himself starting a car with it after touching the screen of his iPhone…pretending the iPhone started the car
- Lie: Xtagged software is bundled with the Samsung Instinct
- truth – Samsung knows nothing about Xtagged, would not bundle this software if it did, and decided not to sue Andy over these claims because they considered the damage caused by his amateur YouTube video minimal
- Lie: Buzz/Wiser is working on a Superbowl commercial
- truth – there is no Superbowl commercial
- Lie: Xtagged was buying Rebecca Dunn a house in Colorado
- truth – Andy can’t even afford to buy himself a house in Colorado
- Lie: I’m leaving my job to go work for Andy Esquivel at Xtagged
- truth – no amount of money in this world is worth going to jail because I worked with Andy Esquivel at Xtagged
- Lie: Andy Esquivel owns a printing company
- truth – Andy Esquivel doesn’t own any legitimate businesses
- Lie: Xtagged has a line of jewelry
- truth – Andy Esquivel bought one ring with the Xtagged logo on it…this does not constitute a ‘line’
- Lie: Ryion was fired from Xtagged because he embezzled funds
- truth – Ryion turned against Xtagged when he found out Andy was a fraud
- Lie: Someone inside City Weekly deleted Andy Esquivel’s blog posts on because they’re against Xtagged
- truth – nobody at City Weekly gives a damn about Andy Esquivel or Xtagged
- Lie: 50% of Xtagged profits go to fix healthcare
- truth – Andy Esquivel voted for Obama and that’s the extent of his contribution to healthcare
- Lie: The Buzz/Wiser energy drink ships with pills that help women detect sexual drugs in their drinks
- truth – there is no Buzz/Wiser energy drink and no such “magic pill” to detect Rohypnol, GHB, or any other such “sexual” drug.
- Lie: Xtagged is patented
- truth – Andy Esquivel started a patent application, but never finished it
- Lie: Andy Esquivel developed and patented Blue-tooth profiler
- truth – there is no blue-tooth profiler and no patent for it
- Lie: I somehow hacked Rebecca Dunn’s AOL email and sent Viagra ads to all her contacts
- truth – Rebecca Dunn obviously downloaded a virus.
- Lie: Xtagged LLC has numerous investors
- truth – there is no Xtagged LLC
- Lie: Andy has developed a blue-tooth enabled micro-chip that goes on the tip of an e-cigarette the broadcasts nicotine intake
- truth – Andy couldn’t develop a microchip if his life depended on it.
- Lie: Andy has developed a pair of 1080p, high definition, 3D sunglasses that, when connected to a Wii styled gyroscopic cell phone, can take you on a virtual tour of Solomon and Herod’s temples in Jerusalem.
- truth – besides being so outlandish as to stretch a sane person’s imagination, these products are absolute fantasy.
- Lie: Andy Esquivel is marketing an e-cig to all the casino’s in Las Vegas and all the nursing homes in Colorado
- truth – Andy Esquivel could barely afford to buy the demo kits for his e-cig
- truth – no casino would give Andy Esquivel the time of day
- truth – Andy Esquivel’s mother works for a nursing home and that’s about the extent of his involvement with them
- Lie: I’m just attacking Andy because I’m jealous he hired my mother at Xtagged instead of me
- truth – Andy has never paid my mother, so to say he “hired her is a stretch
- truth – I have a rewarding career working for one of the ten largest corporations on Earth. Although mu mother offered me a “job” at the non-existent company she claims to head and that Andy pretends to own, I wasn’t stupid enough to take her seriously, much less accept.
- Lie: Andy gave me a weekend job working at his nightclub “Playground” in Park City
- truth – Andy was not an owner of Playground. At most he was a regular there who suckered the real owners into signing papers trading 10% of their failing club for exclusive distribution rights to
- truth – I only visited Playground twice while it was still in business to take photos of Andy trying to impress people with Xtagged.
- truth – Andy didn’t have the authority to hire anybody at Playground, and I wouldn’t have accepted a “weekend job” there if he had
- Lie: Andy Esquivel is suing City Weekly
- truth – Andy Esquivel isn’t suing anybody
- Lie: Andy Esquivel is suing me
- truth – Andy Esquivel isn’t suing anybody
- Lie: Andy Esquivel is suing Ryion
- truth – Andy Esquivel isn’t suing anybody
- Lie: Andy Esquivel is suing a police department in Utah somewhere for harassment after they pulled him over in his Lamborghini and gave him a hard time.
- truth – Andy Esquivel isn’t suing anybody
- truth – Andy Esquivel doesn’t own a Lamborghini
- Lie: the Lamborghini incident was taped by a passenger int he back seat
- truth – Lamborghini’s don’t have back seats
- Lie: Andy has developed a backpack-borne child cover that attaches to the valve stem of a car, inflates using air in the car’s tires and protects children from freak hailstorms while walking home from school.
- truth – this is probably the dumbest idea ever imagined (imagine children running to attach their inflatable shelters to the valve stems of random automobiles at the first sight of hail while walking home form school). It’s ridiculous even by Andy standards and the odds of it being real are less than zero!
- Lie: Ryion and I are running from a federal court summons
- truth – there is no federal summons because there is no federal case because Andy and Steve never filed in federal court.
- truth – Actually Andy Esquivel is the one running from court summons’. Several state entities and plaintiffs have been trying to serve him with papers for years without success. He remains in hiding.
- truth – thew reason Andy cannot sue anybody is because if he ever appeared in court, he would be arrested on several outstanding warrants and served with court papers while in custody.
- Lie: Andy Esquivel owns two nightclubs
- truth – Andy used to own part of a sushi shop and once suckered the owners of a now bankrupt club in Park City into signing over 10% of their club in exchange for a percentage in “Xtagged”, but that’s it. Today, Andy couldn’t afford two golf clubs.
- Lie: I sent emails to Andy’s 14 year old son calling Andy a scam
- truth – Andy cc’d his son on a series of threatening emails sent to Ryion and I. When his son complained, Andy sent his son threatening emails and later claimed that the threats were really sent by Ryion and I impersonating him.
- Lie: Andy’s son’s school decided not to allow kids to use when they saw blogs posted by Ryion Butcher claiming it was a scam
- truth – Andy showed up at his son’s school one day and started handing out stickers to the children attending there. The principal caught Andy and demanded that he leave school grounds immediately! He also told Andy that if he ever showed up on school grounds again, the school would notify the police.
- Lie: Ryion and I are impersonating various officials, including lawyers and police officers who are trying to contact Andy
- truth – all the officials trying to reach Andy to discuss his various criminal activities are real (as Andy has since found out the hard way)
- Lie: Andy Esquivel was willing to buy for $150,000 but I asked Steve Klemark to buy the website for that amount instead of buying Xtagged for millions.
- truth – Andy Esquivel called me out of the blue in late 2009 and asked if I’d be willing to sell and for how much. I replied “…sure, for $150,000,” which was $100k more than I thought the site was worth at the time and $150k more than I knew Andy had. Ever since then, Andy has perpetuated the myth that is for sale and that I’m asking him, Steve, or some other mythical creature for $150k. The fact is, isn’t for sale…period! If it was for sale, Andy Esquivel is the last person on Earth I’d consider selling the site to at any price. Steve Klemark did tell me in early 2010 that he thought was worth $1,000 because he saw it on Google (at which point I told him he was an idiot and that the site wasn’t worth fifty bucks), but that’s the extent of our conversation.
- Lie: Andy Esquivel has a private investigator named Zed
- truth – there is no private investigator named Zed
- Lie: Stephen R. Klemark hired a private investigator named Zed
- truth – there is no private investigator named Zed
- Lie: a company that was about to buy Andy out hired a private investigator named Zed
- truth – there is no private investigator named Zed
- Lie: Zed is working on a huge expose on me that will be in all the papers using information he got from an ex-girlfriend of mine
- truth – there is no Zed, if there is then he isn’t a private investigator, and the only information he has on me is the garbage he got by talking to my mentally incompetent mother
- Note: Andy subsequently admitted via email that “Zed” was a fictional character created by Steve Klemark to prove some sort of point.
- Lie: Andy Esquivel’s private investigator’s real name is Zeb, not Zed
- truth – Andy Esquivel mis-spelled the name of his fictitious private investigator in an email to me and has since pretended I got the name wrong to cover his ass
- Update: Andy later admitted that ‘Zed’ was fake.
- Andy Esquivel’s various websites have ton of traffic…they’re in fact visited by tens of thousands of people per month.
- Andy is unfortunately a technology illiterate and is unaware that a “request” is meaningless in web analytics. When he see a report that reads “48,000 requests,” he thinks that means 48,000 ‘people’ visited his website. In fact, one load of Andy’s homepage includes 52 unique server requests for different page elements. His true traffic is probably closer to 1,000 page views per month, a significant proportion of which are undoubtedly generated by search engine spiders and bots.
- Andy Esquivel is being followed by a legitimate documentary film-maker who will chronicle his story
- Truth: Andy is being followed around by a convicted felon names Ronald Dean Kelsay who’s criminal record includes the following charges (case numbers and dates provided for reference):
- 1990F73 – 01/12/1990 – Theft
Theft Twice Or More W In 6 Mons
1st Degree Crim Tres
- 1990CR147 – 02/07/1990 – Theft
Theft 2x Or More Win 6mo
1st Deg Criminal Trespass
- 2003M3974 – 11/12/2003 – Criminal Mischief
Criminal Mischief-under $100
- 2004T1214 – 02/26/2004 – DUI
- 2005CR1585 – 09/12/2005 – Criminal Mischief
Criminal Mischief-$500-$15,000
Criminal Mischief-$500-$15,000
Criminal Mischief-$100-$500
- 2006CR1040 – 07/17/2006 – Burglary
Burglary 2-of Dwelling (2)
Menacing Felony
Trespass 1-dwelling
Criminal Mischief-$100-$500
- Lie: Andy Esquivel is a genius and a good person. He is “Rich of life and Family.”
- truth – Andy Esquivel is not a good person. He is a sociopathic, pathological lying con-artist with a criminal record and multiple fraud charges pending against him. He has conned dozens of investors out of tens of thousands of dollars and preys on the ignorant and feeble minded.
- truth – Andy Esquivel is not a genius. He is an uneducated idiot with a vivid imagination and the ‘gift of gab’ (when he’s not strung-out on methamphetamines). He suffers from multiple delusions, including that he is a gifted inventor, wealthy philanthropist, and a wealthy businessman who is perpetually under attack from evil antagonists of every shape who want nothing more than to stop him from saving the world.
- truth – Andy is not rich of family. He has five children by three different women, all of whom were under-aged minors when he got them pregnant (qualifying him for statutory rape charges). He has over the years been the subject of several domestic violence investigations including an arrest in Provo, Utah (court record #162999), and the 2003 incident which led to his arrest on federal weapons charges (see link below).
- truth – Andy is not rich of life. He hasn’t had a legitimate job in years and his criminal record includes felony conviction for burglary from 1988 (Burglary case file #1 and case file #2). He currently lives in hiding with his mother in Lakewood Colorado along with his undocumented worked girlfriend who he got pregnant when she was 17 and their two children. He survives on charity and the proceeds from his various scams. Any has never paid child support for his 1st and 2nd children (for which he now owes $19,540, computed based on minimum wage because Andy has never worked). Andy’s third child (by a 17 year old girl who’s parents almost pressed rape charges against Andy) was named Jayden and was adopted by his foster parents after Andy voluntarily gave up his parental rights to the child.
- Here’s a link to the story about the adoption of Andy’s third child:
Posted on March 3, 2014
in Andy Esquivel's Scams Andy's Threats Andy's Videos Buzz/Wiser Karma Cause Trial Updates Wiser Car Cover Wiser E-Cigarettes Wiser Eyes Wiser Helmet Wiser No Phone Zone Wiser Technology Xooplay Xtagged

Just when you guys thought Andy would never post on YouTube again (because he’s in JAIL), Andy defies the odds and manages to get a video posted anyway. Boy, this guy REALLY doesn’t know when to shut up!
In this latest video, Andy convinces his girlfriend (he’s now using me as the excuse why he never married her in spite of the fact they have three kids together) to put him on speaker so she can record him from jail and post online. It sounds like he’s calling from the common yard at the Davis County jail because there’s lots of commotion around him.
Andy explains that he’s in jail of his own free will. That he asked to be sent to Jail on January 7th because ‘the prosecution has postponed his trial six times’…which makes perfect sense, right? Andy tries to put his own spin on his February 11th hearing claiming that he’s being committed to a state mental hospital because the Judge wants to prove he is sane, not for restoration of sanity because he is insane as is actually the case. He rambles on and on about the conspiracy against him, his million dollar lawsuits, all his inventions – basically all the delusions that are the reason he’s being held for restoration right now in the first place. He demonstrates in the space of five minutes that indeed the psychiatrists are absolutely correct – he is not mentally competent to stand trial and he is badly in need of psychiatric help.
Half-way through the video, Andy is interrupted by an inmate named “Boss” who tries to explain that in fact the fight he was just part of was not his fault and was nothing for his wife to worry about. The guy Andy got into a fight with should never have been let out of isolation because, like Andy, the inmate he fought with was is mentally disturbed. Andy also brags that he’s lost a lot of weight in jail (I guess he’s sensitive about his weight) and that jail isn’t so bad after all.
I never thought I’d live to see the day when Andy Esquivel is posting psychotic rants from behind bars, but here it is. He has no idea why he’s there, no idea what he needs to do to be released, and shows no signs that his delusions have abated. Between us, I think Andy is going to be incarcerated for a very long time, because he’s never going to admit that he’s a delusional mess and needs help. The more he resists treatment, the longer he’s going to remain in state custody and I personally believe that’s a good thing.
I wonder what Allen Brady, Steve Klemark, Shar Jenkins, and Ron Kelsay are thinking right now? “…Boy, were we stupid!”
Posted on October 29, 2013
in Andy Esquivel's Scams Andy's Threats Andy's Videos Buzz/Wiser Karma Cause Ron Kelsay Trial Updates Uncategorized Wiser Car Cover Wiser E-Cigarettes Wiser Eyes Wiser Helmet Wiser No Phone Zone Wiser Technology Xooplay Xtagged
At the pre-trial hearing on October 22nd, Andy Esquivel’s defense counsel asked for a continuance of the proceeding until January 7th to give the court time to ascertain whether Andy is clinically INSANE!!! If Andy is found to be CRAZY and therefore unfit to stand trial, he could be sentenced to time in a Utah mental institution.
At the request of defense counsel, this matter is continued to
1/7/2014 to allow the defendant to have a mental health evaluation
completed to determine if defendant is competent to stand trial.
The State will prepare the order.
The trial date will remain in place.
Irony: this is EXACTLY what we’ve been trying to say for years! Yes, Andy Esquivel is mentally insane and so is his chief accomplice Allen Brady. Both need to be institutionalized for their own safety and for the safety of others.
I’ll post audio of the pre-trial haring soon, but for now the trial date last set stands pending the mental health review.
I think that pretty much closes the case on Andy. When your own defense attorney states in court for the record that you’re nuts, it’s time to pack up shop and go home.
Posted on March 14, 2013
in Andy Esquivel's Scams Wiser No Phone Zone

Andy Esquivel’s fake “Wiser No Phone Zone” app to debut at trial on June 12th! Andy has stated in recent blog posts that:
“The men connected to 2008-2013 conspiracy will be charged with drivers deaths for the last three years Wiser N.P.Z app would have saved lives.”
It’ll be exciting to hear Andy’s testimony about this fake app, which Andy claims that he donated to a deceased child in Colorado, in court on June 12th. I’m sure the jury will be impressed. If Andy can convince the jurors that all these marvelous, life changing inventions could have come to market and saved lives were it not for the “evil Xtagged conspiracy” and the “false charges” against him, then he might have a chance at securing a not guilty verdict. At the very least it will make for a hugely entertaining trial!
I’ve attached a screen shot of Andy’s fake app to this blog post. If you look closely you can tell the image is doctored with a cheap photo editor and isn’t really an image taken form a phone. If you search the app store, you’ll further discover that no such app exists either on Android or iOS. in fact, “Wiser Technology’ doesn’t even have a developer license for either platform.
Personally i think it’s sick for a con-artist to leverage the deaths of innocent people to pump up his own scams, but that’s just me. What do you think?