Home - Andy's Threats - Andy Esquivel rails against his own attorney

Andy Esquivel rails against his own attorney

Posted on June 19, 2012 in Andy's Threats Trial Updates Xtagged

In this email sent to Xtagged “supporters,” Andy Esquivel rails on his own attorney, alleging collusion and misdealing.  He continues to claim that his attorney somehow forced him to accept plea deals in Bountiful and American Fork, as if that were possible.  He again brags about the law enforcement connections he supposedly has amassed and tries to make his supporters believe that these “connections” will somehow shield him from the criminal charges he now faces.

Ever since we confronted Mr. Holje about Casey the Bountiful prosecutor and him being friends he has had our emails blocked as spam attachment 3&4;

Mr. Holje forced both pleas all you have to do to confirm this is get all court videos/transcripts, Ryion & Daryl told Bountiful prosecutor April, 29, 2009 we had hundreds of investors we scammed that’s why prosecutor had us ran out of Bountiful… As you see it was all a lie and that’s why they tried to force plea on me again for the third time it’s just this time I had to protect Chris & Kyle because I could not show them this stuff back then I was told not to…

Mr. Martinez 303.623.3300 our Denver Attorney since April of 2010 knew all of this the whole time he says this calls for an F.B.I investigation Steve & his Father of N.Y.P.D have went to the F.B.I that why I now dare to release these video they were marked private. Xtagged system is worth billions and in the last email about Adam Sweet from the SEC I showed you how he lied about Daryl Acumen Leonard also confirmed in his video that Adam Sweet was not being truthful.

Now do you get why Mr. Brian Doubleday is producing this movie it’s big we have a meeting with Mark Flores the attorney that sued Bountiful for Bruce Harper he was Xtagged supporter his plate wasn’t crooked he had an Xtagged bumper sticker on his car! They Attacked Bruce May, 2009 and us May of 2009 get it the police was to run Xtagged out of town because Casey Bountiful prosecutor just believed Ryion and Daryl did not check it out now they don’t know what to do…

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