Posted on June 19, 2012 in Andy's Threats Trial Updates Xtagged
Thank you God, it work guys our app worked look at the screen-shots it even traced where it was coming from… And you will not believe what building they tried to hide it from but Digital Internet Dna aka D.I.D caught it all. Steve your Dad in N.Y.P.D bro you and him are going to be famous you did it just as they discovered Dna you discovered Internet Dna get ready this is going to be big!
Check this out it will blow you away;
I told you guys you don’t know everything now it’s time I want you to click link below and click image of the bountiful police report 05/24/2009 I was primary victim… you ready click this link below of bountiful police on May, 01, 2009 the police in this video were two of the 20 men that attacked us May, 24, 2009 our police report says no one went to the hospital that’s a lie, I have a video of the whole fight ask John Steer Xtagme@gmail.com’s why they were trying so hard to make me take the plea bargain of misdemeanors and no jail time they need to make me look bad! I am innocent I invented and I am not taking plea… Read the two page email I sent earlier about Bountiful prosecutor Casey, SEC’s Adam Sweet & my so called $200 an hr attorney Mr. Holje that I fired and now he marks my email as spam screenshot 3 & 4 be sure to click all links in that email video and screenshot evidence please.I hope you all read the long email of F.B.I 2008 I sent before this one, is worth billions this will be the biggest internet news story ever.Mr. Holje told me it was childish and dumb that I record everything, I recorded him saying that in court conference room what attorney that you pay $200 an hour would say that!I recorded everything since the beginning of Xtagged and especially now…WWW.KARMACAUSE.INFO
Andres Esquivel KarmaCause CEO:
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