Posted on February 7, 2012 in Andy Esquivel's Scams Wiser Eyes
Just to illustrate how the Wiser con works, here’s an image of a pair of MYVU Solo EV video glasses (top image) and an image from the Wiser technology website of the Wiser Eyes HD video glasses Andy pretends to manufacture. Notice the uncanny resemblance between the to!
Andy Esquivel's fake Wiser Eyes product from "Wiser Technology"
Only an idiot could look at these two images and take Andy Esquivel seriously. Aside from the obvious Photoshop work on Image #2, it is clearly the same photo. No wonder Andy is on trial for fraud!
Notice what a terrible job Andy did blocking the “MYVU SOLO PLUS EV” label from the black space above the glasses? You can still see the black box he drew to cover it up…pathetic!
Ha! what a douchebag! This needs to be sent to the company that actually created them so they’ll have an opportunity to jump on the ANDY WHOOP ASS WAGON!
Andy should come to court sporting the Wiser eyes. It would really make my day!
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