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Andy’s Child Support Case

Posted on January 17, 2017 in Uncategorized

As everyone who has been readin111701135-mugshot1g this blog knows, Andy Esquivel is a deadbeat dad.  He has seven (7) illegitimate children by at least three different mothers and he refuses to take financial responsability for any of them.  The four he lives with are supported financially by their mother because Andy refuses to get a job.  One was taken from him by the state and placed in protective custody (later adopted) and his two oldest kids have been cared for by their mother with absolutely no financial support at all from Andy.

A few years back Andy was arrested and forced to stand trial for failure to pay back child support in Colorado.  Rather than pay the required fines and serve court ordered community service (too much like a job for Andy) he fled the state and now lives in Utah.  Two separate cases were filed against Andy for back child support here,  One in Davis County, where Andy originally settled, and another in Salt Lake County, where he fled to avoid harsh probation terms for the three felonies that are the subject of this blog.

As of this writing, Andy owes $24,184 in back child support (leniently calculated as if Andy had earned minimum wage for the first 18 years of his first two children’s lives).   He has been making payments lately (no choice there since he’s collecting unemployment and the state garnishes those payments to satisfy past judgments from state agencies like ORS), but those have barely made a dent in the amount he owes.  For more details, see this unemployment report which Andy filed with the court in November which shows that ORS is taking half of Andy’s unemployment.

Here are the case files for the two child support judgments against him:

Salt Lake County [PDF]

Davis County [PDF]

Andy is somehow convinced that the child support case against him is part of a conspiracy orchestrated by this website.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  We didn’t have two kids out of wedlock, and we didn’t force Andy to ignore his financial obligations as a father to his two oldest children.  This website in fact has nothing whatsoever to do with Andy’s child support woes, we just report them as a matter of fact.  That said, here is a video link Andy recently posted of himself trying to talk his way out of his obligations:

Andy talking to ORS [FLV]

In this video you can hear Andy trying to convince ORS that he sent them a check for $5,000.  In reality, Andy never sent the check, he merely posted a picture of a check online and argued that he should get credit for the posting.  Apparently, Andy doesn’t realize that posting a picture of a check and mailing it to the state agency responsible for collections are two entirely different things.

Andy also reveals in this video that he hasn’t had a valid driver’s license since 2012.  No wonder he can’t find a job – it’s hard to convince an employer to hire you when you can’t even drive yourself to work.

It is a shame that Andy finds it so hard to come up with the money to satisfy all the judgements against him ($37,386.95 in total, a small fraction of the amount he’s stolen or neglected to pay), but it’s his own fault.  If Andy Esquivel would simply get a job his life would be a heck of a lot easier.  Unfortunately, Andy is allergic to work and refuses to obtain gainful employment anywhere.  He’s full of excuses and lies, but sadly lacking in common sense.  

Andy, here’s a hint for you (since I know you read this blog) – if you get a job, ORS might take a little more money, but it’ll be a much smaller percentage of your paychecks.  Just go to work like everybody else.  In almost no time at all, you’ll find that your victims are all paid back, the court is satisfied, and ORS might even cut you a break on your payments.  Grow up and the world will work with you!  Keep being a jerk, and it’ll only get harder to stay out of jail.


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