Home - Andy's Threats - Andy Esquivel Finally gets a job…sort of.

Andy Esquivel Finally gets a job…sort of.

Posted on June 25, 2013 in Andy's Threats Trial Updates

Andy Esquivel

Those of you who enjoy Andy Esquivel’s threatening blogs and emails as much as I do will recall that in recent weeks Andy has made a lot of noise about a “conspiracy” between his ex girlfriend and this blog to block him from the ‘millions and billions’ of dollars in potential profits he could have made if his various scams had been able to materialize.  Lately he’s been claiming that last Saturday was D-Day for the conspiracy to finally be exposed and that everybody involved was going to jail, including his ex.  Last week he posted this nonsensical threat:

Hey dumb-ass they want me to have public defender so when I win they don’t look as bad Dee-Dee-Dee I am going to take this all the way your going to prison Daryl & this Friday Denise has to answer to the Judge here in Colorado about you and her… so keep manipulating and still prosecutor LYON has not released his witness list with hundreds more like 3 of witnesses Daryl God Don’t Like Ugly OH SMILEYHEROEScom :)X

Well last Friday was in fact a court hearing for Andy – one in which he needed to explain to the courts why he still hasn’t paid a dime in child-support in spite of the fact that he’s
Now, we all know Andy as a lazy, good for nothing, scamster with a habit of telling untruths to survive and of stealing money to feed his drug addiction.  Knowing this much about Andy, it shouldn’t surprise anyone that as son as Andy was sentenced  he immediately went about crafting a story to get him out of the ruling.  “But your honor, I’m moving to Utah on July first, so I can’t do no community service,”  Andy reportedly told the judge in the case.  In a show of mercy that Andy has become accustomed to and now expects from state courts, the judge gave Andy 30 days to prove he’s left the state of Colorado for good before he must begin serving his sentence.  If Andy fails to provide proof that he’s moved, then he will be recalled to the court for a stiffer sentence.stolen a small fortune from investors from California to Colorado.  Andy showed up on Friday prepared to impress the judge with his sob-stories explaining that it’s impossible for him to get a job because of this website, but she apparently wasn’t having any of it.  Instead of buying into Andy’s claims that he can’t work, the judge did the unthinkable – she gave Andy Esquivel a job…

Sixty four (64) hours of community service to be exact!

My hunch is that Andy isn’t moving anywhere and that his please to the court are just a stalling tactic to get out of doing any real work.  Andy can’t picture himself picking up trash by the roadside in a bright orange vest and hard hat any more than we can picture him as CEO of a multi-million dollar tech start-up.  The mere thought of doing manual labor terrifies Andy – probably more than jail does.  We’ll have to see how this plays out, but my hunch is we’ll have another child support case update for you here in a month and that it will read something like this – “Colorado judge loses patience with Andy Esquivel and sentences him to 30 days in jail for failing to comply with an order to begin community service immediately.

Then again, Andy might actually be dumb enough to leave Colorado in the hopes of avoiding these child support charges altogether.  What he doesn’t realize is that Utah has even stricter child support laws that Colorado does and he already owes over $20,000 in back support in this state before he arrives (more will be added for every month eh lives here).  I think Idaho would be a better choice for Andy because he doesn’t have a record there.  Here in Utah the police are all to familiar with Mr. Esquivel and they’re  not likely to give him a pass while he unpacks his moving van.

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