Posted on November 4, 2016 in Uncategorized
Well, our friend Andy is at it again. Apparently he doesn’t understand how serious this situation is.
According to court records, Andy is now in violation of the court order that he continue to pay the courts both restitution and fines (which he agreed to in order to avoid going to jail when he violated his probation for the last time) and is now on a path that will lead him back to jail.
According to the courts, Andy now owes $800 in back payments. He’s missed the last few and his last attempt to pay the court actually resulted in a bounced check! (dude, who bounces a check to the court?)
At any rate, Andy must pay his past due balance immediately or the case will be referred back to the judge (who no doubt by this time is getting tired of continuously reprimanding Andy). A warrant for Andy’s arrest will be issued, he’ll be found in violation of even his last ditch court managed probation, his drivers license will be suspended (assuming he even has a license) and even if Andy makes bail, the judge will likely send him to prison for the next few months to demonstrate to Andy that the court is serious.
Hey Andy, I know you read this so I’m going to give you a little hint – stop jacking off with your stupid smiley hero cartoons, GET A JOB, pay your fines and restitution, take Judge Connors seriously, and stop scamming people! If you do that then maybe you’ll be able to live a normal life with your five illegitimate kids and that little illegal immigrant you refuse to marry.
At any rate, it’s clear by now that Andy Esquivel will never learn. The guy is a glutton for punishment who keeps kicking the beehive thinking this time he won’t get stung. Good luck with that buddy.