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Month: July 2013

Andy Esquivel’s Motion Hearing postponed

Posted on July 11, 2013 in Trial Updates

The motion hearing scheduled for yesterday was postponed until August 7th.  We would have posted this sooner, but we wanted to see what Andy would post after he showed up for court and found out there was no hearing.  Usually Andy goes ballistic and writes a 50 page email ranting about conspiracies and the like whenever there’s a postponement like this one.  In this case, Andy’s annoyance at wasting his gas to drive to court first thing in the morning hit with a ‘squish’ and no mass email was sent out to “the media” blaming the delay on corrupt prosecutors or shadowy government agencies looking to stop him from saving the world.  As always, the latest court updates (including this postponement with details regarding the reason for the delay) can be found here [PDF].

In the meantime Andy figured out how to file a discovery motion and did so on Monday.  He even went to the court with Allen to file the document himself, which is impressive.  Too bad he gave the court a fake phone number or he’d have known that there was no court on Tuesday.  The postponement was filed on Monday while Andy was int he building, but when the clerk tried to call Andy there was no answer.  Andy seems very eager to get his hands on the prosecutor’s witness list, and is now referring to all his fraud victims as “TRAITORS” on a regular basis.

Nothing else new to report.  Andy’s been rather quiet since getting sentenced in Colorado to serve 64 hours of community service for failing to pay back child support.  Andy is so intent on not working that he even claims to have moved back to Utah to avoid the sentence.  Don’t worry Andy, it’ll be waiting for you when you get out of prison and return to Colorado.