Posted on April 10, 2013 in Andy's Threats Wiser Technology Xtagged
According to an email sent to his supporters on January 7th, 2011, Andy Esquivel managed to extort $250,000 from investors in Colorado AFTER the nearly $250,ooo we’ve shown that he managed to steal from previous investors in Utah. This is an important development because it proves either that Andy Esquivel had enough cash on hand to pay child support in 2011 (although he told the court on April 3rd that he did not) or that Andy Esquivel is a very good (and brave) liar!
Here’s the full text of the email for you all to inspect. Note: When Andy says “SEO” he means “SEC,” which in his illiterate mind means the Utah Department of Securities. The investigation he’s referring to is the one which resulted in the felony fraud charges he is now facing trial for.
——– Original Message ——–
Subject: Just got done with meeting Shar and Steve
From: Andres Esquivel <>
Date: Fri, January 07, 2011 4:50 pm
To: (…the whole world bcc)
Hey just letting you know that we all thought the SEO had started investigation the guys blog it so
much that its confusing how the SEO did not tell them to stop or you even I have my family
colleges all think there is SEO investigation going on so I am confused also! So Steve is a little
uneasy that nothing been done for now rep me only they say they are going to get council For
Wiser Technology Inc And law suite and they have asked me to meet with Shar’s
Attorney on wedsday so I said yes and they so you dont have to be there! tThey gave me
$250,000 cashiers check Shar is with 5 links he has already told them he will be in control of 25%
WiserTechnology once it is Incorporated Steve and him already have investors on the ball that is
why it is so important to kill the bull crap when i first hired you and we put you pic on
wiserTechnology no one blogged a thing about Wisertechnology and then when they were calling
you and you were not giving them a definite awser they started blogging against everything and then
i sent out edited receipt from you and they stopped again until Daryl told the dummy’s that the
receipt was for my car wreck and that it was for $400 daryl said so they all started again so i finally
ended everything by sending the unedited receipt and the new that the man who they knew as
Wiserman and they are all now blogging that as soon as wiser man finds out that Andy is a scam he
will be suing Andy too they bogged that so i used my chest Piece and sent no only your unedited
receipt but a video from Shar telling who he is and leonard his family is big they live next door to
the lutenute Governor he took xtagged to all his dads connections and his name also got smeared
when Daryl started all the xtagged bloggs So me Steve told Shar to not let them know who he was
because we had a plan.
Thank You Much! Andres Esquivel
Sent with Chimera WiserPhone..