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Andy Esquivel arrested (again)

Posted on February 1, 2016 in Andy Esquivel's Scams Andy's Threats Buzz/Wiser Karma Cause Ron Kelsay Trial Updates Uncategorized Wiser Car Cover Wiser E-Cigarettes Wiser Eyes Wiser Helmet Wiser No Phone Zone Wiser Technology Xooplay Xtagged

111701135-mugshot1 Andy Esquivel has been arrested (again) and is now in state custody.  He was taken into custody just before noon on Monday, February 1st – booking number 201600817.  His bail is set at $25,000 cash.  He cannot bond out, he must pay the full amount to be released.

For those of us watching this drama unfold, this comes as no surprise.  This is not the last time Andy will be arrested for probation violation, but because this is the first time it will be his shortest time in jail (30 days).  Next time it’ll be 90 days, then 6 months according to AP&P guidelines.

I’ll post updates on Andy’s status and audio of the court hearings as they become available.  My hunch, given how damning the report by Andy’s probation officer was, this won’t end well. Here’s the custody information website link.

UPDATE: Andy’s hearing before Judge Connors is scheduled for Tuesday, February 16th @ 9:15am.

UPDATE: Andy was released from jail on his own recognizance and a sentencing hearing has been set for March 8th @ 9:15am.  At this hearing, based on what he is posting online, we expect Andy to claim that he has a job, that his parole officer is somehow ‘corrupt’, and that he needs a 6th PO who will be more sympathetic to his latest scam, SmileyHeroes.com.  

UPDATE: The February 16th hearing was a short one, so we’re not going to bother posting the audio online.

UPDATE: Andy’s sentencing hearing has been postponed five times since his release, usually at the request of his public defender.  The new hearing has been scheduled for June 14th @ 9:00am.

12 thoughts on “Andy Esquivel arrested (again)”

  • Andy Esquivel says:

    ****** man it did not work, Hentish is now under investigation and not only did Andy’s present employer show to his court his previous forman Jason from Royal builders was also in court with his friends and family

    Daryl you can’t have Smiley****** taken down it’s been over a year now, WHY because it’s 100% true about you, your MOTHER Rebecca Dunn exposed it, you remember the one you wouldn’t even hire “as a dish washer” I Allen Brady (801-819-5126) show Daryl & Hentish emailing at WiserTechnology and now on March 08, 2016 Judge Connors will be presented with this screenshot, Hey Daryl why don’t you upload 02.16.16 court video like you uploaded Judge Connors in 2013 Oops now Judge Connors will see this 03.08.2016 but don’t worry people “watching this drama” I will upload it soon. FYI- Daryl gets 3 to 8 visits a day at this website & trust me its all him and Ryion. Daryl “Master Debater” you going to reply…………..

    • Daryl Acumen says:

      Welcome back Andy. I hope you enjoyed jail. How was the food?

      I know you’re desperate for me to sue you, but frankly I’m too busy and you’re too broke. One day I’ll get around to it if I have time and you get a job. If I were you though, I’d spend a little less time trolling online and a little more time looking for work so you can pay your victims back.

      I’ll post the hearing audio when it’s available from the court. It usually takes a few days. Sorry to hear your parole officer is “under investigation” for doing his job. It’s funny how many people have been “under investigation” over the years for pointing out that you’re a sociopath and yet you’re the one who keeps going to jail.

  • Andy Esquivel says:

    Smiley****** & http://www.UtahHouseNigger.com exposes Uncle Tom Daryl Acumen to the fullest!

  • Gandalf says:

    Hi Andy! It’s me, Gandalf. So glad to see you’re still insane and blaming everybody else for your problems.

  • SRD says:

    Any news on the audio from the hearing?

  • Jobita R Berriel says:

    Daryl tine ti grow up the truth came out all your lies are public now.dud you not notice who else bought transcripts when you did? We all did. This whole blog is about greed and hate.

    • Daryl Acumen says:

      I don’t even know what to say about posts like this.  (a) Who cares who ordered transcripts of Andy’s court hearings?  They all say the same thing; Andy is guilty! (b) This blog is about Andy Esquivel’s criminal activity…period.  The only “greed and hate” on this website are the documented words and actions of Andy Esquivel. (c) Learn how to spell.

  • Edward says:

    Jobita Rosana, marquez, Berrriel, alverez wich ever last name you like to steal. Time to grow up truth came out all of your lies are now public. You told my mom that x tagged was sold and you should be hearing from the lawyer. hahahahaha that was three years ago. Jobita is a con artist she spent most of her life in prison. I don’t even know why she is even getting involved she probably cant have contact with che choo. I thought felons are not supposed to be in contact with each other.

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